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Calm Sea

Give Your Life to Jesus 

Let today be the day you choose to make Jesus the Lord of your life. He loves you so much that he died on the cross for your sins and gave you access to His forgivness. He is calling you today and you don't need to 'clean yourself up' to come to Him. He loves you just as you are.


First Step: Salvation Prayer

Say this prayer out loud:

Dear Jesus,

I recognise I am a sinner and that you died on the cross for my sins. Today I choose to make you Lord of my life and I will follow you all the days of my life. Amen!

Kite beach

Second Step: Join a local church in person & ask to be baptised

Find a church local to you where you feel at home and who teaches about Jesus and lessons from the bible. 


Request to be baptised at your local church as soon as possible.

Ocean Rocks

Third Step: Build a relationship with Jesus

Each day read your bible, pray to Jesus and listen to His voice as he transforms you  in your relationship with Him. He will then reveal His purpose for you life in which you have been created for.

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